Hectare to Biswa Converter

1 Hectare equals 79.7326 Biswa


A metric unit used worldwide, particularly in agriculture. One hectare equals 10,000 square meters (100 Ares).


Used in parts of Northern India, particularly in Uttar Pradesh and Punjab. It is a sub-unit of Bigha. One Biswa is typically 1/20th of a Bigha.


The value in Biswa is equal to the value of Hectare multiplied by 79.7326.
→Biswa = Hectare * 79.7326;

Biswa to Hectare

Compare Units

Unit Value
Aana 1 Hectare = 314.504 Aana
Acre 1 Hectare = 2.47105 Acre
Ankanam 1 Hectare = 1494.99 Ankanam
Are 1 Hectare = 100 Are
Ayor 1 Hectare = 100 Ayor
Bigha 1 Hectare = 7.47493 Bigha
Cent 1 Hectare = 247.105 Cent
Centiare 1 Hectare = 9999.99 Centiare
Chatak 1 Hectare = 2391.98 Chatak
Daam 1 Hectare = 5032.21 Daam
Decimal 1 Hectare = 247.105 Decimal
Dhonu 1 Hectare = 8969.92 Dhonu
Dhur 1 Hectare = 590.612 Dhur
Dul 1 Hectare = 62789.4 Dul
Dunam 1 Hectare = 10 Dunam
Feddan 1 Hectare = 2.38095 Feddan
Gaj 1 Hectare = 11959.9 Gaj
Gajam 1 Hectare = 11959.9 Gajam
Gonda 1 Hectare = 124.582 Gonda
Ground 1 Hectare = 44.8496 Ground
Guntha 1 Hectare = 98.8421 Guntha
Jerib 1 Hectare = 4.94665 Jerib
Kaccha Kani 1 Hectare = 6.17763 Kaccha Kani
Kak 1 Hectare = 1993.31 Kak
Kanal 1 Hectare = 19.7684 Kanal
Kani 1 Hectare = 6.22911 Kani
Katha 1 Hectare = 149.499 Katha
Khetmuri 1 Hectare = 0.78626 Khetmuri
Killa 1 Hectare = 2.47105 Killa
Kontho 1 Hectare = 1494.99 Kontho
Kora 1 Hectare = 498.329 Kora
Kranti 1 Hectare = 1482.63 Kranti
Marla 1 Hectare = 395.367 Marla
Murabba 1 Hectare = 0.0988421 Murabba
Mutthi 1 Hectare = 797.326 Mutthi
Nali 1 Hectare = 49.8329 Nali
Ojutansho 1 Hectare = 24710.5 Ojutansho
Paisa 1 Hectare = 1258.05 Paisa
Pole 1 Hectare = 9.88421 Pole
Renu 1 Hectare = 1883680 Renu
Rood 1 Hectare = 9.88421 Rood
Ropani 1 Hectare = 19.6565 Ropani
Satak 1 Hectare = 247.105 Satak
Satangsho 1 Hectare = 247.105 Satangsho
Shai Kani 1 Hectare = 2.05921 Shai Kani
Square Centimeter 1 Hectare = 100000000 Square Centimeter
Square Chain 1 Hectare = 24.7105 Square Chain
Square Feet 1 Hectare = 107639 Square Feet
Square Inch 1 Hectare = 15500000 Square Inch
Square Kilometer 1 Hectare = 0.0100036 Square Kilometer
Square Link 1 Hectare = 247518 Square Link
Square Meter 1 Hectare = 10000 Square Meter
Square Mile 1 Hectare = 0.0038608 Square Mile
Square Yard 1 Hectare = 11959.9 Square Yard
Til 1 Hectare = 29652.6 Til
Vaar 1 Hectare = 11959.9 Vaar

Converter Table

Hectare Biswa Value
0.1 7.97326 0.1 Hectare = 7.97326 Biswa
0.2 15.94652 0.2 Hectare = 15.94652 Biswa
0.3 23.91978 0.3 Hectare = 23.91978 Biswa
0.4 31.89304 0.4 Hectare = 31.89304 Biswa
0.5 39.8663 0.5 Hectare = 39.8663 Biswa
0.6 47.83956 0.6 Hectare = 47.83956 Biswa
0.7 55.81282 0.7 Hectare = 55.81282 Biswa
0.8 63.78608 0.8 Hectare = 63.78608 Biswa
0.9 71.75934 0.9 Hectare = 71.75934 Biswa
1 79.7326 1 Hectare = 79.7326 Biswa
2 159.4652 2 Hectare = 159.4652 Biswa
3 239.1978 3 Hectare = 239.1978 Biswa
4 318.9304 4 Hectare = 318.9304 Biswa
5 398.663 5 Hectare = 398.663 Biswa
6 478.3956 6 Hectare = 478.3956 Biswa
7 558.1282 7 Hectare = 558.1282 Biswa
8 637.8608 8 Hectare = 637.8608 Biswa
9 717.5934 9 Hectare = 717.5934 Biswa
10 797.326 10 Hectare = 797.326 Biswa
20 1594.652 20 Hectare = 1594.652 Biswa
30 2391.978 30 Hectare = 2391.978 Biswa
40 3189.304 40 Hectare = 3189.304 Biswa
50 3986.63 50 Hectare = 3986.63 Biswa
60 4783.956 60 Hectare = 4783.956 Biswa
70 5581.282 70 Hectare = 5581.282 Biswa
80 6378.608 80 Hectare = 6378.608 Biswa
90 7175.934 90 Hectare = 7175.934 Biswa
100 7973.26 100 Hectare = 7973.26 Biswa